Tuesday 12 January 2010

Fav China Buys 1: Matryoshka

Hi there, I've yet to officially wish those of you who are reading (if anyone at all) a Happy 2010 but I've figure better now then never. I've just given this little quiet blog a tiny face-lift and will begin the posts rolling by doing a little posts on some of my fav buys from my recent trip from China; Beijing & Harbin.

Fav buy number 1 will have to be these 2 sets of Matryoshkas. Am not too sure if anyone has noticed but I am starting to believe Matryoshkas have a special sorta attraction that's gotten us all to fall in love with them. Excuse me if am wrong but are there any doll collectors out there that does not love the Matryoshkas? I keep asking myself why I like'em but am never able to find a reason except I just do! How abt u?


Selina Neo said...

HAPPY 2010!!!

i'm a fan of Matryoshkas too!!
bought 1 set from my recent BKK trip. <3

frigginfuchsia said...

Hi Nana!!! nice to find ya here. how have you been? do post pixs of yr Matryoshkas soon k?